Don’t Mess With My Tacos: Resolution Banning Taco Food Trucks In The 8th Aldermanic District Vetoed By Mayor Tom Barrett Won’t Face Challenge By Alderman Robert Donovan

Alderman Donovan from the 8th Aldermanic District announced on Friday that a solution was found for the W. National Ave. food truck issue.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

March 22, 2019

Milwaukee, WI – On Friday, City of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett attended the Southside taco truck rally at the Southside Silver City neighborhood and confirmed to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that “¡Estoy aqui para anunciar que la guerra de los camiones de tacos se ha terminado! (I’m here to announce that the taco food trucks war has ended). Mayor Barrett told HNNUSA that he had read the article published by HNNUSA urging Barrett to veto Alderman Robert “Bob” Donovan’s resolution #181572 prohibiting parked vehicles selling articles from S. Layton Blvd westward along W. National Ave. to the city limits. Mayor Barrett in his veto letter says, “A vibrant, cutting edge city should support entrepreneurs and create opportunities for every business to grow…Another small ban on food trucks only makes it harder for the food trucks who have made the effort to get properly licensed and operate within the rules.”
Ald. Donovan has already banned at least 5 food trucks along W. Lincoln Ave., W. Mitchell Street and W. Greenfield Ave. in his aldermanic district, according to city records.
Also on Friday, Ald. Donovan released a press release that a solution was found for the W. National Ave. food truck issue and the resolution was no longer needed. Donovan says, that he met with several taco food truck operators from Taquerias Arandas and El Tapatio along with a representative from the Layton Boulevard West Neighborhood, which all involved agreed that a vacant lot at the 3600 block of W. National Ave. would be a designated spot for the food trucks.
Ald. Donovan as of Friday faced opposition by 5 fellow aldermen, Cavalier Johnson, Aldermanic District 2; Milele Coggs, District 6; Chantia Lewis, District 9; Michael Murphy, District 10 and T. Anthony Zielinski from the Aldermanic District 14 who committed not to override Mayor Barrett’s veto of resolution #181572. Six aldermen were needed to override Barrett’s veto. Alderman T. Anthony Zielinski also attended the Silver City neighborhood Taco Truck rally organized by local residents and businesses including the participation of Taquerias Arandas and El Tapatio where more than 300 people participated.
Milwaukee County Supervisor Sylvia Ortiz-Velez also attended the outdoor rally and feasted on tacos along with friends and local residents.

About hispanicnewsnetwork

Nationally, Goodson is a foremost respected immigration rights and reform Journalist in the U.S.A.
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