Protective Makua Requested Witness Protection Status From Feds For 15-year-old Whistleblower Ethan Valadez Who Ran Away From Abusive Father And Filed For Asylum In Canada

Protective Makua released a second email sent on April 21, 2023 to U.S. Attorney Haanstad in the Eastern District of Wisconsin requesting witness protection status for 15-year-old whistleblower Ethan Valadez who exposed alleged criminal acts and corruption in the Waukesha County family court system involving his abusive father, his father’s family members, multiple attorneys, court officials and etc….

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

April 22, 2023

Elkhorn, Wisconsin – On Friday, Protective Makua exclusively released a second email to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) sent to U.S. Attorney Gregory J. Haanstad, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin requesting witness protection status for 15-year-old whistleblower Ethan Valadez who ran away on his own accord on January 10, 2023 to escape from his abusive father and Ethan later applied for asylum in Canada. Ethan’s name was made public by the Walworth County Scanner when he went missing in January.

The Protective Makua email sent to Haanstad by Kathryn Alamea-Xian, the Interim Executive Director details the current alleged corruption involving Waukesha County family court judges and law enforcement who are identified in the email in both Waukesha and Walworth counties. Alamea-Xian also provided documents to Haanstad as evidence in the divorce case of Julie Valadez v. Ricardo Valadez in Waukesha County.

The Julie Valadez divorce case in Waukesha County and a criminal case filed in Walworth County against Julie, Alamea-Xian and Kimberlee Coronado from Waukesha shows the insight of wide spread corruption in the family court judicial system in Waukesha County and in the Walworth County criminal judicial system as well. Piles and piles of documented evidence filed by Julie on court records, transcripts during the divorce hearings and documents posted in her Facebook account truly exposes the blatant judicial corruption and illegal acts by named Waukesha County family court judges, attorneys involved including Guardian Ad Litems assigned and other Waukesha County officials.

The mainstream has yet to report about the full scale corruption and illegal Constitutional acts against Julie and her children, eventhough, she has provided documents of evidence for the mainstream media to review and report on. It seems, the mainstream editors haven’t grasped the total damage and corruption that the Waukesha County family court system has inflicted on domestic abused victims, especially women and children in Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

You can’t make this up folks, Julie has been the only whistleblower in Wisconsin’s history to successfully challenge and expose the corruption and illegal acts committed against her in the Waukesha County family court system by judges who don’t follow state laws to protect domestic abuse women and their children.

Julie filed a Petition For Writ Of Mandamus with the Wisconsin State Supreme Court on March 24, 2023 that details Constitutional rights violations against her and her children who were placed (custody) with the abusive father, Ricardo Valadez. Filed Writ link (includes documents and court transcripts):

So far, Julie has done everything right to report and expose the corruption in the Waukesha County family court system and yet, the Wisconsin Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Justice including the Wisconsin Judicial Commission and Governor Tony Evers’ Office has not acted on nor has launch an independent investigation to review Julie’s allegations against the corruption happening today at the Waukesha County family court system and Walworth County. Will state authorites and feds finally launch an investigation to hold Waukesha County and Walworth County accountable including its judges, district attorneys, court officials and law enforcement involved in enforcing the corruption?

The following is the email recently sent to U.S. Attorney Haanstad.

Aloha, U.S. Attorney Haanstad:

On November 28, 2022, nearly five months ago, I reported to Wisconsin FBI and Hawaii FBI on the public corruption surrounding the Julie Valadez custody case and Ethan Valadez’s disclosures of federal offenses committed by his father and abettors connected with Waukesha County Courts as appointed officers of the court as well as local law enforcement.

Shortly thereafter SA Erin Lucker, with FBI, responded to me requesting a meeting to discuss this report. That said, considering the fact that what has transpired to date since my initial November 28, 2022 report has come to pass and both Julie and Ethan are at grave risk of harm and loss of liberty due to this corruption and Ricardo Valadez’s continuing fraud, I would again respectfully request an update on the status of your office’s stance on this issue of international and national concern regarding the safety of whistleblowers reporting public corruption and conspiracy.

Furthermore, you should know that the Detective involved in the Walworth County unconstitutional arrest and detainment of Kimberlee Coronado and investigation and bad faith issuance of arrest warrants upon Julie Valadez and myself is Det. Trevor Hindman.

Det. Trevor Hindman is the same detective in Walworth who was assigned to one of Ethan Valadez’s past child abuse cases triggered when he called his mother crying and screaming for help when his father was physically abusing him. Det. Hindman quashed Ethan’s this report of child abuse in 2021, wherein which Ethan’s iPad was taken from him and given to his abuser.

Ethan stated to police officers on the scene, Officers Sulzer and Mair (one of whom committed perjury in court), that his iPad contained hard evidence of Ricardo Valadez’s continuing abuse and fraud in conspiracy with Molly Jasmer (GAL), his attorney Kurt Schuster, and Ethan’s former school principal James Murray, who fabricated a fake truancy record in order to allow the GAL Molly Jasmer to illegally take Ethan from the custody and care of his mother (Julie had sole custody of all her children by stipulation). The police incident when these unlawful acts occurred were recorded on police bodycam of which my agencies and our confidential partnering agencies have copies for safe keeping. Ethan stated, recorded on police body cam, that evidence of this conspiracy was on the iPad that police took and gave to Ricardo Valadez thereafter. Molly Jasmer unlawfully had Ethan subjected to involuntary commitment to silence and discredit him. This occurred three times to the child. If forcibly returned to Wisconsin, Jasmer will have the power to subject Ethan to this unconstitutional incarceration or subject him to actual incarceration in juvenile detention for repeat run aways and truancies while in the custody of Ricardo Valadez. Ethan’s liberty is at stake for reporting crimes, which is what the U.S. teaching children to do, isn’t it?

I remain as ever hopeful that you will respond to these reports. See attached initial email report to Wisconsin FBI.


Kathy ‘Alamea-Xian

Interim Executive Director

Protective Makua, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

Checkout documents link sent to the FBI, which includes evidence of alleged fraud and public corruption, public benefits fraud and conspiracy against rights in the Julie Valadez Waukesha County divorce case # 2018FA000296:

About hispanicnewsnetwork

Nationally, Goodson is a foremost respected immigration rights and reform Journalist in the U.S.A.
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